Projects and Products

ProKLT (Promod Camera Laser Scanner), is a hardware-software based solution developed for 3D measurement needs. ProKLT can generate high resolution 3D profiles in short time with non-contact methods and gives its measurements. ProKLT, as well as measuring standard values like volume, surface area and dimensions, can evaluate the object based on a predefined model. ProKLT differs from its 2D-measuring counterparts in its capability of measuring net depth, thus it can determine details that 2D systems fail to do so.

ProVisiaA is powerful image processing library with hundreds of functions that can provide you with the best possible solutions for your projects. It can be easily modified for any project with its user friendly interface and flexible algorithm development structure.

Speedgoat is a highly specialized provider of turn-key real-time target systems and services for Simulink®-based rapid prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop. Speedgoat and Promod can provide hardware and software solutions for your projects. Click here for further information.

MonkeyProof Solutions is a Dutch company founded in 2008. Today a team of MATLAB/Simulink/Code Generation experts support both Dutch and international clients. MPS and Promod can provide unique software solutions for your projects. Click here for further information.
- Also;
- Development of MATLAB and Simulink tools for servo system design
- Development of hardware drivers supporting xPC Target
- Integration of MATLAB and xPC Target-based laboratory software and hardware
- xPC Target product feature additions
- Preparation of books and software for advanced control design and automation for Simulink
- ProTünel-Microtunnel navigation software
- Vision based automation systems
Consultancy Services
Control Design and Implementation
Mathematical design, hardware selection, software implementation, and integration for all control systems
Electronic Prototypes
Project-specific real-time systems for engineers that want to verify and validate their designs in real time
Flexible Control System Solutions
Multipurpose and reprogrammable control system design, user interfaces, and hardware selection support
Model-Based Design Infrastructure
Consultancy and automatic code generation project services for companies that desire to use model-based design for their design and production processes
MathWorks Product Consultancy
Custom programs and modules for MATLAB, Simulink, Real-Time Workshop, and all toolboxes, as well as advanced technical supportTraining Services
For further information on trainings, you can see our Training Programs page.